When executives, business owners, professionals and their families come to us for advice, they are typically looking for not only how to make the most of their financial circumstances, but how to make the most of their lives:
It’s much easier to achieve your goals once you’ve identified what they are. That’s why among our favorite questions to ask new clients is where they see themselves at various milestones in their lives:
We have structured our client processes accordingly.
During an in-depth fact-finding interview, you’ll share critical information with us, so we can build a complete understanding of your personal financial affairs.
Based on what we hear from you, we’ll present a detailed, written Private Wealth Plan that assesses your current and future financial abilities, opportunities for enhancing your financial independence, and strategies for mitigating the risks that could impair it.
With your plans in place, we’re ready to act: structuring your ideal investment portfolio, incorporating available tax strategies and assisting with appropriate risk management solutions, all with an eye toward optimizing your financial outcomes according to your individual goals and challenges.
Through the years, we help you stay on course toward your goals by regularly tracking, resolving and mitigating your personal high-risk issues and concerns, as well as by staying on top of changes in your life that may warrant changes to your Private Wealth Plan.
This translates to three investment essentials around which we structure our strategy:
How you allocate your portfolio across different market factors plays a far greater role in varying long-term portfolio performance than do the individual securities you hold. (Different factors have exhibited different levels of persistent risk and expected reward available to patient investors.)
Some degree of market risk is required to expect to receive market returns. But by diversifying across multiple market factors around the globe, we can dampen the overall risk necessary for pursuing desired returns.
Minimizing investment costs is among the most powerful, readily manageable ways to enhance net returns.
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